YPU Keighley Day 2021

1030hrs to 1600hrs Saturday 20th November 2021

Due to the uncertainty of the situation concerning Covid-19 and the success of the 2020 event this year the Keighley Day presentations will again be carried out online using Zoom.

As the presentations are over the internet using Zoom there will be no charge for Participants. More details will be available in September.


John Bermingham AIPF

John will be presenting us with a variety of his work which is both innovative and thought provoking – not your usual composite images
John’s presentation is titled Art of John Bermingham – Conceptual Photography
John’s work can be seen at http://www.allthatcanbe.com

Bernard Geraghty

Bernard is an accomplished landscape photographer based in Ireland and he will be giving us an insight into the world of landscape photography and showing images that are truly exceptional and will leave you in awe
Bernard’s work can be found at https://bglandscapetours.ie