Yorkshire Photographic Union 2022 Inter-Club PDI Championship

This championship (previously known as YPU Club Competition) is now open for club entries.

The aim of the 2022 YPU Inter-Club PDI Championship is to select two YPU Clubs that will represent the YPU at the 2022 PAGB Inter-Club Championship (PDIs) to be held in July 2022.

Clubs are invited to enter 20 Open PDI images.

It is recommended that clubs have a mixture of images in terms of Monochrome, Colour and Nature.
No more than 4 can be Nature images and it is recommended that clubs present at least 5 Monochrome
and 5 Colour images from a minimum of 6 authors.

Please note that individual authors can only enter a maximum of 4 images.

Further details are on the YPU Portal entry page – ‘YPU Inter-Club PDI Championship 2022’

The closing date for entries is 10th February 2022 (23.50)

Please Note: The ‘2022 YPU Inter-Club Print Championship’ will be open for entries later in the year.
(date to be confirmed)