Month: April 2021

J.S Lancaster Award for service – Howard Tate

At the recent 2021 Annual General Meeting of the Photo Alliance of Great Britain, Howard Tate, MA, ARPS, AFIAP retiring President of the PAGB was awarded the JS Lancaster Award for service. Howard is also a Past president of the YPU and currently serves on the Executive Committee as events Secretary. JS Lancaster proposed the…
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Kirkbymoorside CC: Jill Wellham – ‘Out of the Blue’, April 15th 2021, 7.30pm

Jill Wellham is an artist, print maker and digital photographer, whose work encompasses landscape, flower and abstract images. But it is through the analogue photographic process of the cyanotype that she has really made her mark. Traditionally the technique combines chemicals with water to create a photosensitive solution, for coating onto a high quality paper.…
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Viewfinder Photographic Society Presents: ‘Dingle, My Only Place’ by John Hooton, Monday 19th April 2021, 7.00pm via Zoom

We’re delighted to welcome Irish landscape photographer, John Hooton on Monday, 19th April for his presentation entitled; ‘Dingle, My Only Place’. John has been taking photographs, primarily of the west coast of Ireland, for nearly 40 years. His main love is the Dingle Peninsula with its wide variety of rugged landscapes and roaring seas, offering perfect locations for both sunrise and sunset.…
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