Month: November 2023

Yorkshire Photographic Union 2024 Annual Exhibition

Yorkshire Photographic Union 2024 Annual Exhibition – Rules and Conditions for Prints and Projected Digital Images The full entry requirements and instructions for the 2024 Annual Exhibition are available to view and download by Club/Society Secretaries by logging on to the new YPU Portal website and following Services -> View Document Archives. These have already…
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Keighley Day 2023 Success

Report by Marilyn Roberts DPAGB BPE4, YPU Exhibition Co-ordinator The YPU President Richard Littlefair and President-elect Chris Hodgson welcomed our YPU Keighley Day speakers on Saturday 11th November – Glyn Dewis (Adobe educator and successful author) and Ross McKelvey MPAGB, FIPF, MFIAP, FBPE from the successful Catchlight CC in Belfast. Our thanks to all the…
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Viewfinder PS – Simon Baxter: ‘Beyond the Trees’, Monday, 4th December 2023 – 7.00pm (via Zoom)

Simon Baxter: ‘Beyond the Trees’ Monday, 4th December 2023 – 7.00pm (via Zoom) For our final Zoom session this year we welcome ‘woodland photographer’ Simon Baxter, Simon is a professional photographer from North Yorkshire and “the first woodland photographer on YouTube”. His passion is to explore, discover, experience and photograph the less obvious intimate scenes that are close…
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