The draft minutes of the most recent YPU Representative and Annual General meetings are now available to view. Perhaps not at the top of many reading lists but useful as a reminder or to catch up if you couldn’t attend.
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Month: March 2021
Viewfinder PS Presents: ‘The Fjords of Patagonia’ by Julian Elliott, Monday 29th March 2021, 7.00pm via Zoom

On Monday, 29th March you’re invited on a journey to the end of the world by following Julian Elliott on a commissioned trip to ‘The Fjords of Patagonia’. See the challenges a professional photographer faces with the weather and the imagery that’s created for use by his client. Julian has been a professional landscape and travel photographer for…
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Kirkbymoorside CC – Alan Lait ‘A Photographic Journey…’, 18th March 2021, 7:30pm

Based in North Yorkshire, Alan Lait is an outdoor photographer with a passion to capture the mood and beauty of the landscape. Starting from a young age, using a 35mm film camera, he has spent many years refining his photographic technique. As a result, his work has been featured in various magazines, and a selection…
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Dewsbury PG – Pioneer House Online Exhibition

Dewsbury Photographic Group are holding an online exhibition on the architectural refurbishment work carried out over a four year period from late 2016 on the Dewsbury Pioneer Co-operative Building. Kirklees Council and the Dewsbury Township Heritage Initiative in partnership with the Heritage Lottery Fund have transformed the former 19th century derelict Cooperative Pioneer building into…
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YPU Annual General Meeting & Executive Changes

The 2021 YPU Annual General Meeting took place on Saturday 27th February over Zoom. Following a positive and helpful discussion of the agenda items and other business the following changes to the Executive were confirmed: President: Marilyn Roberts DPAGB, BPE3* Secretary: Shelley Knight LRPS President Elect: Chris Hodgson BA (Phot) ARPS,CPAGB Thanks were given to those previous…
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