An Introduction to APM – Awards for Photographic Merit

There are three routes by which you can gain photographic distinctions.  In the first instance, please click on the links below and read the application criteria and requirements for each method to decide on your chosen route(s) . You may decide to choose all routes depending on your stamina!

Route 1: By submitting a body of work to be judged specifically to gain a distinction

Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB)

Credit, Distinction and Master awards (CPAGB, DPAGB, MPAGB)

The Royal Photographic Society (RPS)

Licentiate, Associate and Fellowship distinctions (LRPS, ARPS, FRPS)

Route 2: By entering National Salons and Exhibitions

British Photographic Exhibitions (BPE)

BPE 1-5 crowns, Associateship and Fellowship (ABPE, FBPE)

Route 3: By entering International Salons and Exhibitions

The International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP)

Artist, Excellence, Excellence Bronze/Silver/Gold, Platinum/Diamond 1, 2, 3, Master (AFIAP, EFIAP, EFIAP/b, EFIAP/s etc, MFIAP)

The Photographic Society of America (PSA)

a series of distinctions similar to FIAP (QPSA, PPSA, EPSA, MPSA, GMPSA and so on)