Congratulations to those where were successful in the latest PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit adjudication, in particular those from YPU clubs:
Sandra McKinlay – Doncaster CC
Richard Sells – Otley CC
Keira Thorogood – Otley CC
Graham Thurlow – f.ocus Photographic Group
Haydn Bartlett – Halifax PS
The full results can be seen below.

Print & Digital Projection Adjudication held at Aylesford 22nd & 23rd April 2023
42 applications were adjudicated at CREDIT PRINT level, the following 21 were successful
Gillian Allport | Amersham PS | CACC | |
John Allport | Amersham PS | CACC | |
John Harding | Amersham PS | CACC | |
Tim Hodges | ARPS | Amersham PS | CACC |
Christine Ratcliffe | LRPS | Amersham PS | CACC |
Geoff Walker | Amersham PS | CACC | |
Peter Baker | LRPS | Royston PS | EAF |
Philip Gravett | Royston PS | EAF | |
Carol Martin | Bury St Edmunds PS | EAF | |
Nicola Scott | BPE1 | Stevenage PS | EAF |
Jason Boswell | Maidstone CC | KCPA | |
Marj Freeston | BPE2 | Chesterfield PS | N&EMPF |
Lee Walker | LIPF | Catchlight CC | NIPA |
Anthony Morgan Grubb | AFIAP QPSA BPE1 | Deeside PS | NWPA |
Cathy Davies | Kirkcaldy PS | SPF | |
Amanda Cunningham | bh photography club | SCPF | |
Russ Foote | LRPS | bh photography club | SCPF |
Richard Ryder | AFIAP | Chichester CC | SCPF |
Michael Alan Snaith | LRPS | Newbury Photography Club | SCPF |
Sabine Tillie-Davidson | LRPS | Basingstoke CC | SCPF |
Dawn Sandra Latcham | Rhondda CC | WPF |
29 applications were adjudicated at CREDIT PDI level, the following 12 were successful
Jenny Bradley | Bury St Edmunds PS | EAF | |
Magda Jowers | BPE1 | Bury St Edmunds PS | EAF |
Ian McDonald | Chelmsford CC | EAF | |
Carole Wetherley | BPE1 | Lancaster PS | L&CPU |
Timothy Cossins | ARPS | Saltburn PS | NCPF |
Gavin Duxbury | BPE3 | Rolls-Royce (Derby) PS | N&EMPF |
Jayne Lucas | LRPS | Boscombe CC | SCPF |
Kathleen Feltham | Rhondda CC | WPF | |
Sandra McKinlay | Doncaster CC | YPU | |
Richard Sells | OtleyCC | YPU | |
Keira Thorogood | OtleyCC | YPU | |
Graham Thurlow | f.ocus Photographic Group | YPU |
32 applications were adjudicated at DISTINCTION PRINT level, the following 20 were successful
Hilary Bailey | LRPS CPAGB | Amersham PS | CACC |
John Bailey | CPAGB | Amersham PS | CACC |
Paul Michael Burwood | LRPS CPAGB | Field End PS | CACC |
Dr Maggie James | Amersham PS | CACC | |
Brian Ridgley | CPAGB | Amersham PS | CACC |
Dave Balcombe | ARPS CPAGB EFIAP BPE3 | Norwich & District PS | EAF |
Andre Neves | ARPS CPAGB | Melbourn & District Photo Club | EAF |
Kevin Williams | Beyond Group | EAF | |
Philip Hadley | CPAGB BPE3 | Gateway CC | KCPA |
Robert Goode | ARPS EFIAP/g CPAGB BPE3 | Stourport CC | MCPF |
Jay Hallsworth | LRPS | Gloucester CC | MCPF |
David Hewson | CPAGB | Lincoln CC | N&EMPF |
Tony Mulvenna | LRPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE3 | Catchlight CC | NIPA |
Peter De Marco | Eastwood PS | SPF | |
Sandy Gilmour | CPAGB | Queen’s Park CC | SPF |
Lorna Hayton | Ayr PS | SPF | |
Ruth Hayton | Ayr PS | SPF | |
George Atkins | CPAGB EFIAP/b | Chichester CC | SCPF |
Stephen John Williams | Overton PC | SCPF | |
Peter Elliston | CPAGB | Wellington & District CC | WCPF |
18 applications were adjudicated at DISTINCTION PDI level, the following 6 were successful
Graham Frost | LRPS CPAGB BPE4 | Wayland & District PC | EAF |
Diane Le Count | CPAGB | Bishops Stortford CC | EAF |
Tim Gilbert | CPAGB | Preston PS | L&CPU |
Robert O’Neil | CPAGB | Sale PS | L&CPU |
Chris Briggs | CPAGB | Deeside CC | SPF |
Haydn Bartlett | Halifax PS | YPU |