An investigation by the YPU Archive Secretary, David Burgess MA ARPS
In 2019 Keighley and District Photographic Society, gave framed prints to the YPU Archive.
- A Pilgrimage, Mont St Michel
- The Canal Bridge Kildwick
- A Hillside Harvest
- Female Portrait
- ‘Windmill’
by Alexander Keighley 1910 Carbon.
by Alexander Keighley 1910 Carbon.
by Alexander Keighley 1909 Carbon.
Thought to be by A.K.
by Alfred Horsley Hinton Christmas 1906.
I decided to research the ‘Female Portrait’, it was not signed or titled and did not seem to fit with the style of Keighley. It also had crease damage across the centre.

I contacted the Granddaughter of A.K. Mrs Lynne Grainger who lives in Australia. (I thought the most likely association with A.K. would be if it were a family portrait). Mrs Grainger did not recognise the Female and also felt that it was not in the style of A.K.
In April 2021 during the Covid Lockdown I took the Female Portrait from its frame for cleaning and removal of fungal growth.
When I removed the backing paper, on the backing Board was the following transcription:
Presented to Kly & Dis Photo Ass. Aug 69 By H Raistrick
Sitter Unknown Photographer Unknown
Example of late 1880’s Portrait Work
Removing the Board revealed more details a name and perhaps a date (4/7/1881). See below.