A message from NSMM via Marilyn Roberts DPAGB BPE3, YPU President:
“Calling all collectors!
I’ve been contacted by the curator of collections at Bradford Science and Media Museum. They have been having a sort out at the Museum and have found lots of duplicate old cameras in their collections, no doubt from donations over the years. They are looking to give them a good home in the hands of some interested people, so they don’t just sit idle in their stores forevermore.
They are asking if any of our clubs might be interested. They will be free gifts from the Museum and you are welcome to do what you wish with them (and hopefully make some nice photos with them.
The list of objects can be found here: https://www.sciencemuseumgroup.org.uk/…/SMG-Transfers…
If anyone is interested in these items – they can contact Group.Registration@sciencemuseum.ac.uk by the 15th of October.
( Please don’t contact me about this, my husband says we have enough antiques in the house with me!)”