RPS Yorkshire: Tim Flach HonFRPS, Sheffield Hallam University, Tuesday 12th October 2021, 6pm

To mark a careful and safe return to ‘face to face’ events, The RPS Yorkshire Region, in collaboration with the Department of Media Arts and Communication at Sheffield Hallam University, invite you to meet Tim Flach, HonFRPS, one of the country’s leading professional image-makers. Tim Flach consistently produces amazingly beautiful images that reflect his sympathetic and unique approach to photographing animals and birds. He is the author of numerous publications and has exhibited widely. He will talk about his work as one of the country’s outstanding professional photographers. His work consistently reflects his empathy with animals and his concern for wider conservation and environmental issues.

Full details are on the RPS Yorkshire page

Tuesday 12th October 2021, 18:00 – 20:00

Sheffield Hallam University
1st Floor Lecture Theatre
Cantor Building
153 Arundel Street
S1 2NU
