Staged as part of Kirklees Council’s Temporary Contemporary creative programme in a shop in the town centre only a stone’s throw from our usual venue, Huddersfield Art Gallery (where the YPU 2017 exhibition took place). The club’s best work will be on display with 140 prints and a rolling television show of 75 images on certain days through September and October.
The shop unit is next to Toyland, Piazza Shopping Centre, Princess Alexandra Walk, Huddersfield HD1 2RS
Stop press – Exhibition dates extended to include, Sat 17th Oct and Thurs 22nd Oct, Sat 24th Oct, Thurs 29th Oct, Sat 31st Oct, Thurs 5th Nov and Sat 7th Nov, all 11am to 4pm.
Further details are in the earlier post.
Re Covid 19: At the time of writing 16/10/2020 The venue is in the High Alert Category, Stage Two.
The gallery complies with Tier 2 restrictions.
It is on Council premises and they are happy with our Covid-compliant procedures which include track and trace, a one-way system, sanitiser and cleansing arrangements.
We have a limit on the number of visitors at any one time and have yet to reach it as it is a good-sized space for people to spread out. Visitors must wear a mask and our volunteers have transparent visors.
Check the media for any changes to Alert levels.
BBC Website for Alert News: